Mr. Chang-Lung Tsai, the Chairman of NFBC, was invited to CCTV-4 for an exclusive interview

On June 28, 2016, the annual World Dairy Forum Awards Ceremony was held in London, England. What is different from the past is that among the attendees, researchers from New Francisco (Yunfu City) Biotechnology Corporation Limited Yunfu City, Guangdong Province, rely on their independent research and development of innovative King-Prebiotics® 100% Galacto-oligosaccharide”, has been announced the winner in “Best Dairy Ingredient” of World Dairy Innovation Award 2016, becoming one of the most noticeable in the award ceremony.

What is the secret of success for this new innovative company from southwest China? “Focus on the Pioneer List” is about to present “The Sweet Secret of Papa Oligo” for you.